Dept.Of Science & Technology. (GOVT.OF BIHAR)

Design and Code By

Er. Sonu Kumar

E-Books, Practical & Assignment All Semester

First Year, Semester 1 and 2 ( Group-A )

E-Book For Download

Mathematics Part-1:-Download.

Applied Physics-1:-Download.

Applied Chemistry:-Download.

Communication Skills in English:- Download.

Engg. Graphics:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Applied Physics Lab-1, G.P.Purnea :-Download.

Applied Chemistry Lab, G.P.Purnea :-Download.

Communication Skills In English Lab, G.P.Purnea :-Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Engg. Workshop Practice, G.P.Purnea :-Download.

Sport and Yoga, G.P.Purnea :-Download.

C/KYP/IT/Essential/pyton/other, G.P.Purnea :-Download.

First Year, Semester 1 and 2 ( Group-B )

E-Book For Download

Mathematics-2:- Download.

Applied Physics-2:- Download.

Introduction to It Systems:- Download.

Fundamental of Electrical & Electronics Engg.:- Download.

Engg. Mechanics:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Applied Physics Lab-2, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Introduction to IT Systems Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Fundamental of Electrical and Electronics Engg. Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Engg. Mechanics Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Course under mooscs/swayam/etc/other, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

kyp/it-Essential/Python/other, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Environmental Science, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Second Year, Semester 3rd ( Computer Science Engg. )

E-Book For Download

Discrete Mathematics:- Download.

Computer Programming Through C :- Download.

Computer Organization & Architecture:- Download.

Digital Electronics & Microprocessor:- Download.

Web Technology:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Computer Programming Through C Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Didital Electronics & Microprocessor Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Web Technology Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Computer Organization & Architecture, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Summer Internship-1 ( 4 Weeek ) After-2 Sem.:- Download.

Python, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Second Year, Semester 3rd ( Electrical Engineering)

E-Book For Download

Introduction to Electrical Power Generation Systems :- Download.

Electrical Circuits :- Download.

Electrical and Electronics Measurements:- Download.

Electric Motors and Transformers:- Download.

Fundamental of Basic Electronics & Digital Electric:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Introduction to Electrical Power Generation Laboratogy, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Electrical Circuits Laboratogy , G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Web Technology Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Electrical and Electronics Measurements Laboratogy, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Electric Motors and Transformers Laboratogy, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Python, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Fundamental pf Basic Electronics & Digital Electronics, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Second Year, Semester 3rd ( Mechanical Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Basic Mechanical Engineering:- Download.

Material Science & Engineering:- Download.

Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Mchinery:- Download.

Manufacturing Engineering-1:- Download.

Thermal Engineering-1:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Manufacturing Engineering Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machinery Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Web Technology Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Thermal Engineering Lab-1, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Python, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Essnce of indian Knowledge and Tradition , G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Summer Internship-1 ( 4 Weeek ) After-2 Sem.:- Download.

Second Year, Semester 3rd ( Electronics Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Principles of Electronic Communication:- Download.

Electronic Device and Circuits:- Download.

Digital Electronics:- Download.

Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation:- Download.

Electric Circuits and Network:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Principles of Electronic Communication Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Electronic Device and Circuits Lab , G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Web Technology Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Digital Electronics Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Python, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Summer Internship-1 ( 4 Weeek ) After-2 Sem.:- Download.

Second Year, Semester 3rd ( Civil Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Building Construction and Construction Material:- Download.

Basic Surveying:- Download.

Mechanics of Material:- Download.

Concrete Technology:- Download.

Geo Technical Engineering:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Basic Surveying Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Building Construction and Construction Material Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Web Technology Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Mechanics of Material ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Concrete Technology ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Python, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Geo Technical Engineering ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Second Year, Semester 4th ( Computer Science Engg. )

E-Book For Download

operating Systems:- Download.

DataBase Management Systems:- Download.

Data Structure & Algo. Using C:- Download.

Python Programming:- Download.

Computer Graphics:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

DataBase Management Systems Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Data Structure & Algo. Using C Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Python Programming Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download


operating Systems ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Second Year, Semester 4th ( Electrical Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Power Electronic:- Download.

Electric Power Transmission and Distribution:- Download.

Induction,Synchronous and Special Electrical Machines:- Download.

Solar Power Technologies:- Download.

Industrial Drives:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Power Electronic Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Induction,Synchronous and Special Electrical Machines Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Industrial Drives Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

MATLAB Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Electric Power Transmission and Distribution ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Solar Power Technologies ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Course Under Moocs/Swayam /Autocad in Electrical Engineering other:- Download.

Summer Training/Industrial Visits:- Download.

Second Year, Semester 4th ( Mechanical Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Measurements & Metrology:- Download.

Strength of Material:- Download.

Thermal Engineering-2:- Download.

Theory of Machines & Mechanisms:- Download.

Tool Engineering:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Measurements & Metrology Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Material Testing Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Thermal Engineering-2 Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Minor Project, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Course under mooscs/swayam/etc/other:- Download.

Second Year, Semester 4th ( Electronics Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Microprocessor and its Applications:- Download.

Consumer Electronics:- Download.

Digital Communication Systems:- Download.

Electronic Equipment Maintenance:- Download.

Linear Integrated Circuits:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Microprocessor and its Applications Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Digital Communication Systems lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Linear Integrated Circuits lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

MATLAB Lab:- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Essnce pf indian Knowledge and Tradition ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Microprocessor and its Applications ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Minor Project, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Block Chain through moocs/swayam/oyher ( T.W ):- Download.

Second Year, Semester 4th ( Civil Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Hydraulic:- Download.

Advances Urveying:- Download.

Theory of Structure:- Download.

Building Planning and Drawing:- Download.

Transportation Engineering:- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Hydraulic Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Advances Surveying lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Theory of Structure ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Building Planning and Drawing ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Transportation Engineering ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Course Autocad/ ( T.W ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Third Year, Semester 5th ( Computer Science engg. )

E-Book For Download

Mobile Computing:- Download.

Computer Hardware & Network:- Download.


OOP Through Java:- Download.

OOP Through C++:- Download.

.NET With 'C#', G.P.Purnea :- Download.


System Administration, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Multimedia Technology:- Download.

Open Elective/COE

Robotics ( Basics ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Computer Hardware & Network lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Elective-1 ( System Administration lab ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Elective-2/COE ( Robotics lab Basics ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Summer Internship-1 ( 6 Weeek ) After-4 Sem.:- Download.

Minor Project, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Course under mooscs/swayam/etc/other:- Download.

Third Year, Semester 5th ( Electrical Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Microprocessor & Microcontroller:- Download.

Energy Conservation and Audit:- Download.

Elective-3 ( Switchgear and Protection ), G.P.Purnea :-Download.

Elective-4 ( Illumination Practices ), G.P.Purnea :-Download.

Open Elective-1/COE ( Robotics Basics ), G.P.Purnea :-Download.

Practical Copy Download

Microcontroller Applications lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Energy Conservation and Audit lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Elective-1/COE lab ( Robotics lab Basics ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Elective-4 lab ( Illumination Practices ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Course under mooscs/swayam/etc/other:- Download.

Minor Project, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Third Year, Semester 5th ( Mechanical Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Production & Operation Management:- Download.

Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing:- Download.

Automobile Engineering:- Download.

Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning:- Download.

Open Elective, Robotis ( Basic ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Practical Copy Download

CAD/CAM Lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Open Elective, Robotics lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Summer Intern- Ship-2 ( 4 Week ):- Download.

Major Project, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Course under mooscs/swayam/etc/other:- Download.

Third Year, Semester 5th ( Electronics Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Embedded Systems:- Download.

Mobile and Wireless Communication:- Download.

Industrial Automation:- Download.

Open Elective & Radar :- Download.

Open Elective, Robotis ( Basic ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Embedded Systems lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Mobile and Wireless Communication lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Open Elective, Robotics lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Industrial Automation lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Major Project Part-1 & Sem.Part-2, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Course under mooscs/swayam/etc/other:- Download.

Summer Intern- Ship-2 ( 4 Week ):- Download.

Third Year, Semester 5th ( Civil Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Design of Steel and R.C.C Structure:- Download.

Estimation and Costing:- Download.

Water Resources Engineering:- Download.

Construction Management :- Download.

Open Elective, Robotis ( Basic ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Practical Copy Download

Estimation and Costing lab, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Open Elective, Robotis ( Basic ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

IN- Plant Training, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Major Project, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Course under mooscs/swayam/etc/other:- Download.

Course Primavera/3DMax/Other, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Third Year, Semester 6th ( Computer Science Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Enterpreneurship and start up:- Download.

software Engineering:- Download.


data science: data wehehousing and data mining g.p purnea :- Download.

web based Applications development with php:- Download.


computer network security, G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Introduction to e-governance:- Download.

Open Elective/COE

Robotics ( Advances ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Practical Copy Download

open Elective/COE ( Robotics lab Advances ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Enterpreneurship and start up :- Download.

software Engineering :- Download.

Robotics ( Advances ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

major project and seminar :- Download.

Third Year, Semester 6th ( Electrical Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Enterpreneurship and start up:- Download.

Building Electrification:- Download.

Utilization Of Electrical Energy:- Download.

Open Elective-1

Network Theory :-Download.

Disater Management :-Download.

Open Elective-2

Robotics(Advances) :-Download.

Practical Copy Download

Elective-1/COE lab ( Robotics lab Basics ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Elective-1/COE Lab ( Electric Vehicles ), G.p.Gopalganj :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Seminar :- Download.

Major Project :- Download.

Course under mooscs/swayam/etc/other:- Download.

Robotics(Advances), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Electric Vehicles(Advances) :- Download.

Third Year, Semester 6th ( Mechanical Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Enterpreneurship and start up:- Download.

Design Of Machine Element:- Download.

Advance Manufacturing Processes:- Download.

Open Elective-1

Energy Convervation & Auidit :-Download.

Disater Management :-Download.

Open Elective-2

Robotics(Advances) :-Download.

Practical Copy Download

Elective-1/COE lab ( Robotics lab Basics ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Elective-1/COE Lab ( Electric Vehicles ), G.p.Gopalganj :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Seminar :- Download.

Major Project :- Download.

Course under mooscs/swayam/etc/other:- Download.

Robotics(Advances), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Electric Vehicles(Advances) :- Download.

Third Year, Semester 6th ( Electronics Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Enterpreneurship and start up:- Download.

Computer Network and Data Communication:- Download.

Mechatronics:- Download.

Product Design:- Download.

Open Elective-2

Robotics(Advances) :-Download.

Practical Copy Download

Elective-1/COE lab ( Robotics lab Basics ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Elective-1/COE Lab ( Electric Vehicles ), G.p.Gopalganj :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Major Project, Part-II G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Seminar :- Download.

Course under mooscs/swayam/etc/other:- Download.

Robotics(Advances), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Electric Vehicles(Advances) :- Download.

Third Year, Semester 6th ( Civil Engineering )

E-Book For Download

Enterpreneurship and start up :- Download.

Public Health Engineering:- Download.

Advanced Design Of Structure:- Download.

Open Elective-III

Energy Convervation & Auidit :-Download.

Disater Management :-Download.

Open Elective-2

Robotics(Advances) :-Download.

Practical Copy Download

Elective-1/COE lab ( Robotics lab Basics ), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Elective-1/COE Lab ( Electric Vehicles ), G.p.Gopalganj :- Download.

Term-Work Copy Download

Seminar :- Download.

Major Project :- Download.

Course under mooscs/swayam/etc/other:- Download.

Robotics(Advances), G.P.Purnea :- Download.

Electric Vehicles(Advances) :- Download.

Program Elective Tendering and Accounts :- Download.

Let's Continue....